Nurse Call System

A Smart Nurse Call System With Real-Time Location Tracking

A Better Nurse Call System

Turple has teamed up with Civica to provide an amazing end to end solution to Eastern Canada. We live in the age of smart technology. There is a piece of advanced technology for most aspects of our daily lives, so it only makes sense to improve and enhance the lives of our seniors with technology.

Our Partners

Turple Partner smart wireless Civica Nurse Call System uses modern technology that outperforms traditional hard-wired Nurse Call Systems, as well as recent attempts via WiFi and Bluetooth enabled Nurse Call Systems. 


A Better Nurse Call System Built With Modern Technology, For Modern Day Needs

The true value of our system is the power of location. Our system uses ergonomic resident, staff, and equipment pendants, that transmit their location to the system. RTLS In Motion’s system automatically tracks and logs the location history of each resident, staff member and piece of equipment as they travel through your community. When a resident needs help, all they need to do is press the button on their pendant and a staff member can attend to their exact location. A single button press sends an instant alert directly to the care team’s mobile devices and nurse stations, and includes the details of who requested help, where they are located, and the time of a call. The mobile friendly system allows staff to never miss an alert while away from their station. With RTLS In Motion, help is always within reach.

A Safer Nurse Call System

Our system allows Care Providers to address needs, prior to a person triggering their personal pendant button. At any point in time, staff can look at a map of the facility and see the exact location of every person and piece of equipment. With high precision location tracking, our Nurse Call System is able to produce proactive alerting for events such as

Wandering in the Community

Resident in wrong room, resident in off-limits area

Proximity alerts

Two conflict residents in proximity, residents loitering around an exit door

Timed alerts

Resident in the stairwell for 15 minutes

A Better Nurse Call System

Our smart wireless Civica Nurse Call System uses modern technology that outperforms traditional hard-wired Nurse Call Systems, as well as recent attempts via WiFi and Bluetooth enabled Nurse Call Systems.